Brand and Logo Design
An effective identity positions an organization or event for success and is amongst the most valuable thing to own. Gary can help create a new brand or explore ways to strengthen an existing one. By providing brand guidelines, he offers an easy to follow set of points for anyone that is required to represent the brand. The brand package can be as extensive or simplified as need be. In general branding covers the use of the logo and it’s treatments, colour and font themes, and design styles for marketing and internal communications. It can be further developed to include stylistic language, the type of photography or graphic treatments that are preferred. All these considerations help make the brand robust and brings a confidence to all using it, promoting more of an autonomous synergy and unification of every contributing element.

Parabelle Properties

Ministry of Forests, Lands
and Natural Resources |
Marine Protected Area Network

City of Vancouver | “Van Proud” Emblem and Brand Design

UBC | Division of Continuing Professional Development, Faculty of Medicine

Marine Plan Partnership
for the North Pacific Coast – MaPP
British Columbia

City of Vancouver | A Healthy City for All – Strategy Phase 1

Lifestyle Protector Logo Design